My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Pardon My French: The Art of Making Mistakes and Trying Anyway

France in the summer is lovely. I remember the buildings of yellow stone, ancient beyond belief to my American eyes; the canals whose water lilies inspired Monet; the countryside, passing in a blur...

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Student Article
I’ll send you a postcard, dear.

July 4, 2014, and New York seemed to go hand in hand.My family and I arrived in New York to be kissed by light rain and embraced by dim sunshine. Our disgruntled taxi cab driver could have cared...

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Student Article
La Vida Rica

My trip to Costa Rica with Common Ground International was the most amazing experience of my life. First,...

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Student Article
Moonscape Beauty

Scalding fountains and multi-colored pools were only a few of the magnificent sights I was encountering. Yet the fountains weren’t man-made,...

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Student Article
From Wildlife to City Sites – The Town to Beat All Others

Portland, Oregon seemed like a paradise, coming from the drought-stricken and fire-prone city of San Diego. Teeming with lush forestry and exotic Northwestern animal life, nature was around every corner....

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Student Article
Discovering the Culture of St. Lucia

            My family enjoys cruising and it is the type of vacation we take most regularly. Last April we went on a cruise to the Southern Caribbean...

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Student Article
A New Habitat

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A Quebec City Weekend By Rail

Enjoy charm, history, music, adventure and great food - all with a French accent -during a weekend rail trip to Quebec City in Quebec province, Canada. Many Americans think of Francophone Canada as...

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Mont Tremblant in Summer

Even with a really long five-day weekend, there's not enough time for all the fun activities at Mont Tremblant, Quebec's top mountain resort, for active families visiting in summer. Seven...

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