My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Camping By the Seat of Our Pants

 A lot of families, when choosing to travel, often already have booked which hotels they will stay at on specific nights of the trip, days or weeks in advance.

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Student Article
A Day in the Life of Japan

This past June I flew to Japan.  I was deliriously underprepared for the experience that awaited me.  I had crossed the Pacific Ocean to attend Tokyo’s...

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How A Global Entry Card Will Reduce Airport Hassles

Over the past month, I've been going through the process of joining the Global Entry program. The government enticed me by saying, "Global Entry is a national program enabling Customs...

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Student Article
Meeting My Destiny

Several years ago, I went on a mission’s...

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Student Article
Helping Others, Or Getting Helped?

Dancing with children on the dirty streets with the rain pouring over our heads, playing soccer on the dusty roads, and...

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Student Article
The Trip That Changed My Life

As a human being, I am often guilty of becoming far too comfortable with my circumstances in life. I become comfortable with the house that I live in, the clothes that I wear, and even necessities such...

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Student Article
My Voyage to Living History that Inspires Within

One world blends into another as a formation older than anything else I've ever seen appears in front of me. Sidewalks transform into cobblestone roads, and townhouses become...

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Student Article
Dirty Water and Inspiration

I was a travel virgin. Until, that is, my grandparents invited me on a trip to New York to see Niagara Falls.

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Student Article
The 3 Years That Changed My Life

After living in the United States for 5 years my parents could no longer renew our Business Visa. We had to go back to Europe, but this was also the perfect opportunity for my parents to finally accomplish...

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