jennifer moore author at My Family Travels
Things to Consider on a European Road Trip

I've just returned from a road trip through France and Spain with four of my Irish friends.  We booked cheap Ryanair flights from Dublin to Nantes, rented a car, and took off for the 'Murphy's Law'...

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Flip Flop Graveyard: La Tomatina

Outside of Valencia, this small village known as Bunol hosts something equivalent to Glastonbury, minus the music and, instead of mud, everyone is flinging tomato-bits. La...

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Instant ChapStick: A Few Thoughts on Take Away Food

The golden arches have taken over the globe, but in Ireland, Mickey D's, or Mack-ie Dee´s as they say over here, has some competition with the local chipper. Chipper? Beside...

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When the Races Get Ritzy

It’s no surprise that Ireland indulges in what many consider ‘vice’ in the States. There are pubs on every corner, typically beside a bookies.

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Crepes, Fromage and Escargot: A Quick Visit to Paris

One of the best parts about living in Europe is the travel perks.  What a simple New York to Washington D.C. or Los Angeles to San Francisco flight would be for east and west coasters was my simple...

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Discover Toulouse: “The Other Paris…”

...well, actually there is no other city like Paris. But now that I’ve got your attention, here is a brief spiel about southern France’s secret little treasure that is a great place to visit. And...

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Dreaming of Exotic Islands: Puerto Rico

One of my dreams has always been to travel to an exotic island. I thought Puerto Rico would be an ideal place. A commonwealth country of the U.S., I pictured...

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Soccer Team’s Goal: Brazil

My soccer  team, made up of twelve mostly 13-year olds, two coaches, and me, went to Brazil in the beginning of summer 1997. We thought after winning two big tournaments and coming in first place in...

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