mft author at My Family Travels
Auschwitz: Connecting With Heritage

Looking back at her own family's heritage, a Family Travel Forum member visits Poland's infamous concentration camps, reflects on human nature, and connects with a relative who is a survivor.My...

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Reviving the Over Mountain Victory Trail

A park I’ve been to was the Over Mountain Victory Trail of North Carolina. I visited a portion of the trail, but there is only a portion available. This is sad to me because of all the great time...

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A Galapagos Eco-Adventure

Seven days in Ecuador's prehistoric landscape, cruising and watching unusual wildlife together with family, may be the ultimate bonding experience. After decades of travel, no other destination...

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Requiem for the National Parks

Twas the day to protect national parks, when all through the USA Wildlife and natural wonders were stirring, inspiring places must stay Teddy Roosevelt said the wilderness must be preserved...

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Anguilla’s Cerulean Villa Is Amazing

I wanted to tell you about somewhere -- We just visited--- Anguilla is an exquisite island to begin with. BUT when you combine Anguilla with the MOST amazing villa called Cerulean-- you get...

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Volunteerism, Teens And Habitat For Humanity

Volunteering to help build houses can build, tear down, and rebuild our kids' characters. "When I tell my friends I'm going to help build houses for Habitat for Humanity, they ask me if...

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How I Would Save The National Parks

Prodigious trees, vast plains, colorful leaves, and cascading waterfalls — these are only a few of the wonders that exist in national parks. When I visit a park I enjoy the surprises that unfurl as...

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How We Can Save Grand Teton National Park

When I see or even think about a national park, it is like no other feeling I've ever had. A national park is like a special cabinet that contains memories that are filled with truly special natural...

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Preserving National Parks For Future Generations

National parks are important to me because they help to preserve valuable land, protect the habitats of animals and protect our heritage. National parks are all so different, offering everything from grassy...

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