All aboard the USS Constitution - My Family Travels

In November of 2007, some members of my grade were taken to Boston to see the USS Constitution in spirit of US History.  Unfortunately it was a cold, slippery, snowy day but we made the most of it.

When we got to Boston we started our field trip in the USS Constitution museum where my friends and I took lovely photos with all the props and cardboard pictures around us.  Pictures contain my friends and I with various weapons, hammocks, and mugs attatched to a table.

After our tour of the museum ( and after we were nicely dried and warm) we made our way to the ship itself. The crew were really nice to let us on, despite the weather conditions, for as we approached the ship we could see them shoveling snow off in preparation of our arrival. I also saw them having snow ball fights (so it wasn’t too bad for them, I suppose).

We spent about an hour or so on the ship (with no heating). It was actually really amazing to see how everything must have looked back when the ship was in use and to actually be on a historic navy vessel and not just some replica. My history teacher, Mr. Houston (who really is the most enthusiastic and greatest teacher anyone can ever have), was having a field day to be on such a historic vessel.  The boat also had many opportunities for photos. I took pictures of the many, many cannons aboard, and my friends and I lying in one of the tiny bunks.

After our tour of the USS Constitution,  we made our way back to our bus. To put it simply, it was a nice trip. It’s truly a wonderful thing when you can see, walk around, and explore the actual ship you had studied in class weeks before. Everything becomes more real. Was it the best field trip I’ve ever been on? Honestly: no. But  it was one of the more meaningful field trips I’ve taken.

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