My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
The Big Blue


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Student Article
A Change in Heart

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Student Article
Splash Mountain’s Fatal Attraction

The orange light that is typical of sunsets highlighted the horrors of the streets. It gleamed across a shopping cart that carried all the belongings of a man whose beard reflected his lifestyle. It...

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Student Article
Determined to Dream

I look around and see a place outside my comfort zone. Instead of the crisp, modern structures of buildings and casinos in Nevada, I see deteriorating slabs of concrete and weatherworn brick. In place...

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Student Article
Light from Broken Windows

My family’s footsteps were quiet on the damp earth. That was fitting; loud noise seemed gaudy here. Even though the broken walls opened straight to the sky, the abbey retained its reverence—noise,...

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Student Article
Beethoven in Bonn

The rain steadily fell in misty sheets, so that the landscape was partly obscured by a dewy veil. Our train chugged through damp German villages, swaying gently from side to side. The grey horizon showed...

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Student Article
Walking Through History


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Student Article
The Beauty in Our Own Backyard

Majestic mountains, luscious forests, towering rock formations, a brilliant yellow sun, a magnificent thunder storm; the diversity astounded me. With every passing mile, a new scene erupted into view,...

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Student Article
The Hike: How I Accomplished What I Thought Was Impossible

There is a mountain in the Dominican Republic named Brison. Never would I have guessed, with my lack of athleticism and of experience in hiking, that I would one day reach the top. But when jumping...

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