My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Peace at Last

When my parents first proposed a twenty two day road trip from our native Arizona to Florida I was skeptical. We...

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Student Article
Survival, Much Like Smiling, Is Universal

My time in Cambodia had brought me many challenges. I had a running fever with no access to trustworthy medical care, I was fumbling with cultural differences and customs, and we worked long days teaching...

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Student Article
Finding Peace in Hiroshima

We stared with hands clasped over our open mouths and eyes glued to the figures before us.  They were bathed in the red of their own blood, burned skin, and the flames that surrounded them.  Their clothes...

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Student Article
Old New World

Bullet holes still dot the walls outside the Pergamon Museum...

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Student Article
Encapsulating a Timeless Moment: The Petoskey Stone

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Student Article
Murder On The Prospect

Visiting the setting of a book you have recently read may be completely different from what you imagined.  My imagined setting of Crime and Punishment, I discovered, was completely different...

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Student Article
Building Hope in Mexico

Let me back up a little. I come from a family that travels. Sometimes we travel for fun, sometimes for adventure, and sometimes for cultural experiences. About every other year, we travel for missions...

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Student Article
Lessons from the Little Lives

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Student Article
2630 Miles and Michael’s Rose

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