My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
What Squat Toilets Taught Me About Life

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Student Article
The Story Told by Silver Lake’s Stars

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Student Article
The Eerie Struggle

We were waiting in line to go to the top of the Empire State Building. Our time was ticking and we only had 3 hours left in the city at most. To start off our impromptu 5 hour excursion, I witnessed...

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Student Article
Meeting the Rest of My Family

The roads are full of cars that don’t seem to be following any rules. People stand by the car window holding maimed body parts up to the glass begging for money. Men, women, children and animals run...

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Student Article
The Last Homely House

I'm the kind of person who is easily enthralled by the romanticized ideas of adventure. Having always loved fantasy novels and the like, the concept of exploring something...

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Student Article
Falling Stars

My best friend, Kiana, and I first hung out when we were assigned a Spanish project. We were to take "selfies" of us experiencing different emotions and insert those pictures onto a slideshow to present...

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Student Article
I Traveled Incomprehensible

I sleepily opened my eyes to daylight, heard locusts whining, and sat up with my sheets sticking to me. It was 5:00...

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Student Article
Here’s What I Didn’t Learn In The Classroom – From A Teen Girl Travelling The World

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Jazz Fest in NOLA: Music Food and Drink

My wife Rosalie and I stumbled into the New Orleans Jazz Fest. We were already going to New Orleans, Louisiana -- booking flights and reserving rooms -- when our son told us, "Hey, that's during Jazz...

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