My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
A Journey Into the Past

The humidity of the monsoon season envelopes me in an embrace as I step outside of the car. For a moment, the loud commotion from inside ceases, and I half-heartedly welcome the smoldering heat as I...

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Student Article
The Summit—Climbing the Philippines’ Highest Peak

The morning was cool and damp as I carefully stepped onto the rainy trail littered with dead leaves. I was zipped into my waterproof jacket to stay warm (and as dry as possible).  FINALIST 2015...

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Student Article
Popped Tire

I do not believe the sky that hangs over Wyoming is the same one I can currently see out my window. There is something magical about it, something completely unreal--it’s as if the sky was not above...

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Student Article
Smiles Across The Miles

Falmouth, Jamaica, marked the third port of call on the cruise my family had...

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Ireland Hotels And Resorts

No matter what your budget may be, this family-welcoming hotel guide suggests the perfect place to stay in Dublin or the luscious green fields of the Irish countryside. Beautiful Ireland may be a...

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Student Article
Hiking The Swiss Alps: Vacationing to a New Reality

The sun rises in the east, traveling westward among clusters of wispy clouds. Like a saturated version of a fairytale, the world encompasses a hand painted backdrop of craggy mountains and bouquets...

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Welcoming Families to Where the Rich and Famous Vacation in Mexico

Dreaming of your own family hideaway and tropical beach, with staff and chefs to help you with the chores of a summer rental? Look no farther than Matlali, a cluster of posh hillside...

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Student Article
It All Breathed the Same Way


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Student Article
Elephants in the Shadows

We were more or less protected from the heat of the sun by the tall trees surrounding the narrow dirt road. The van jolted along over potholes and speedbumps...

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