My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Junk, Junk and Fun: City Museum, St. Louis

The generically named, City Museum is anything but a generic museum. This St. Louis museum is more like a fun house or carnival than a museum.Made almost...

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Penalizing the Single Traveler

The math is simple but deceptive: If a hotel room cost two hundred bucks, that’s a hundred bucks per person, because hotels assume two people...

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Dude Ranches for Families

When 180 horses’ hooves pounded the ground a few feet from me, manes flaring and breaths misting ghost-like in the chill Colorado mountain air, this city boy was transfixed.It was the 5:30...

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How Guys Travel

Give a guy a choiceWould he prefer a major sporting event like the Super Bowl, front-row seats at a major musical event like a U2 concert in London … or spending a week in Hawaii or...

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How Come I Didn’t Know That! Avoiding Cultural Snafus

OK, you’re lucky enough to be in Italy…and you’ve actually been invited to a dinner party.So, when in Rome do as the Romans do:...

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Are Teen Spas Self-Indulgent?

The “Teen Spa Program” at Pinehurst Resort (Pinehurst Village, North Carolina) is designed “to reduce teen stress through aromatherapy, massage, soothing music.”“We...

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Pay To Pee?

When the airlines started charging for everything from pillows to soft drinks and baggage, many of us, facetiously, wondered out loud when the airline would start...

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Banning Kids From Flying

Most Americans aren’t anti-kids. Just the ones that fly it seems. A recent on line chat had a curmudgeonly majority of flyers saying kids don’t belong on planes....

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Six Star Ratings Fraud!

My jaw dropped when an on line travel review site announced that it would add a new tier to its Star Services ratings for hotels: Six Stars. What qualifies as s a...

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