My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
The Home of History, Culture, and Food–Mobile, Alabama?!

Mobile, Alabama. Home of sweet tea, seafood, and Southern accents. But that describes at least half of the other southern cities in the United States. To me, Mobile is more than just a run-of-the-mill...

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Student Article
Not Everything is What it Seems

My first instinct was that I wasn't going to like the Estrella Mountain community. There was not much too it. All I saw was, The Elliot Market drug store, a gas station, and houses. In mind that...

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Student Article
Keep on the Sunny Side in Miami

Welcome to Miami: a tiny piece off the Atlantic side of Florida, yet one of the most populated and popular attractions craved worldwide. This fairly young city is most known for its swaying...

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Student Article
Valley in the Hills

I live in a small town in southwest Pennsylvania; the population is around 2,000 and at first glance, there isn’t much to do. In fact, if you pass on the highway, we are practically...

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Student Article
A Pleasant Place To Build A Town- Cornwall, NY

The crunch of kaleidoscope-colored leaves under your feet as you hike through the fall foliage of Black Rock forest on your quest to find the reservoir that supplies Cornwall, a petite New York town, with...

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Student Article
This Is My Home, This Is Pakistan

A steady stream of water trickles down the mountain side, settling itself into the flower beds below. There’s a light mist hovering throughout the atmosphere, carrying scents and flavors...

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Student Article
The Peculiar Side of Seattle

I come from the land of coffee addicted hipsters and computer geeks. Locals have dubbed it “The 206”,...

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Student Article
Spartanburg, South Carolina – A Kalidescope of Unexpected Discoveries

Founded in the 1780s as a courthouse village, Spartanburg, South Carolina, located...

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Student Article
Mazatlan, A Place for Adventure and Family

Every December my family and I made it a tradition to go on vacation to Mazatlan, Sinaloa. We stay at a resort for a week and then stay another few weeks in a small pueblo, called El Roble, with...

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