My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
The Treasure Box of California

           Everything lives in San Diego: animals, nature, history, culture, and entertainment. Harmonious community is created under the warm sun, by the...

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Student Article
A Place to Relax and Unwind

La Mirada. When I say this name aloud, it does not strike me as a place that is grand or filled with urgency and movement. Instead, if I did not live here I would pass it up as just another city...

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Student Article
Southern Texas Living

You probably think that Spring Branch and Bulverde Texas are in the middle of nowhere and have absolutely nothing for passersby to do. Although these towns may not be suitable to everyone’s...

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Student Article
A Day in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is known as the "City of Bridges" and famous for it's delicious Heinz Ketchup. It is also where I have grown up and I have certainly grown to love it. I know...

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Student Article
A Modest Family Town

Midland, MI, is the perfect place to settle down. After all the excitement...

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Orlando Theme Parks For The Reluctant Parent

First of all, a disclaimer: I have been putting off for years the increasingly insistent demands of my kids to visit the theme parks in Orlando. They wanted the rides at Universal and Disney World... I...

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Student Article
Find your slice of home in York, PA

Ever hear of York, Pennsylvania? I doubt it. Who has? Well, other than the people living here and a few historical gurus (York has an interesting history), not many. I’ll admit you’d...

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Student Article
Stores by the Shore

            “Virginia is for Lovers” as so many tourists illustrate each year. As a resident of the Tidewater region in Virginia,...

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Student Article
Find peace or adventure in Natural Minnesota

Winona, MN Having a population of 28,000, Winona is one of the most beautiful small towns in South Eastern Minnesota.  I would take tourists up to...

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