My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Alaska After Dark

The empty theater was dim at 3 a.m., illuminated only by the strings of delicate lights lining the aisle floors. Our voices came out hushed, absorbed into the thick carpet, the endless rows of red velvet...

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Student Article
The Building of a Fire

I remember arrival quite well. We were in the Grand Canyon National Park. The trees were such a radiant green and the sky was decorated with blue-gray clouds. There was nothing out...

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Student Article
Castle of Miracles

" Here we are girls! We made it at last!" shouted my mother. Anyssa and I peered out the car window and what we saw before us brought huge smiles to our faces. There was a a sign that...

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Student Article
Costa Rica: What Tourists Don’t See

In our first trek into the third world my family left for Costa Rica during the winter of 2010. What I had envisioned to be a tropical paradise with expansive sailboat harbors and multi-million dollar...

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Student Article
A Paris Morning

I blink my eyes groggily, as my eyes focus on the white ceiling above me. Next to me, I can hear my brother softly breathing as my mom and dad tiptoe around the room, pulling together our necessities...

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Student Article
10,000 Miles Worth of Memories

Traveling about 10,000 miles away seems like a crazy trip to make, especially landing on one of the world’s most populated nation: China. Coming from the airport...

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Student Article
Heating Up in the City of Hotpot

As I boarded the narrow puddle-jumper that would take me to my final destination of Chengdu, China, I couldn’t help but feel a bit queasy. Now this kind of queasiness wasn’t from the...

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Student Article
I Love This City: 6 Weeks in Chengdu

Melodious voices rise, mixing and dispersing above the steamy pavement of a corner-side pavilion, attracting curious passersby. Actually, the staring eyes are more likely drawn by the fact that these...

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Student Article
Wondering at the World at a Wonder of the World: My trip to the Taj Mahal

I swat a few flies away from my face as I plaster on a confident smile and proudly pose in front of the Taj Mahal in the blistering heat.  The Taj is undeniably beautiful.  Neither photographs...

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