My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
The Lives That Were Touched In the City of New Orleans

I view traveling as a privilege, not a right. People travel for many different reasons such as: relaxation or luxury. I like to use traveling to learn about different cultures, people, and history....

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Student Article
An ocean of sounds

As we walked, passing small stores, people’s shadows and Nigerian men selling coach bags on the streets, we realized that Camila had been crying for about twenty minutes. Her chapped lips were...

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Student Article
My Trip to MCAD

From the time that I was able to hold a pencil in my hand, I have been drawing. Art has been a part of me my entire life, even through there were times when I wasn’t...

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Student Article
Boston, MA.: A Look into How the Other Coast Lives

In September of my junior year of high school, I took an unofficial visit to Boston University. Aside from the school’s stellar academics and...

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Student Article
My 17th Birthday in Belgium

In January of this year, 2012, I went to Belgium with my mom to celebrate my 17th birthday. This trip really changed my life. We only went for three short days, but in those three days I experienced...

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Student Article
New York City Is a Place To Be

New York City is a place to be. Looking at the city of dreams from a distance, I saw a prestigious monument signifying freedom and hope. I heard the man in the subway effortlessly...

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Student Article
Kenya 2012

As I boarded Emirates Flight 222 from Dallas to Dubai, a million things were rushing through my mind. Worries as big as living in an utterly foreign culture for seventeen days and as small as wondering...

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Student Article
Where the Past Meets the Present

                 The ocean is truth. It doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not, and it doesn’t...

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Student Article
Fulfilling Dreams in Ireland

As a competitive Irish Dancer for 9 years, I had always dreamed of taking a trip to tour the country of Ireland. I felt that it would help me understand where the roots of my dancing came from, as...

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