My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
My Trip with Fear

, 2012 when I went on my first escapade to a land filled with intricate, intimidating machines. Its loud swirling noise traumatized even the screeching sounds of butterflies fluttering in the inner...

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Student Article
The 1%

Upon hearing the words “Grand Canyon”, 99% of the world’s population pictures an endless wasteland carved by the Colorado River. The lingering 1% sees him or herself looking up...

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Student Article
Locked Up

The last place I imagined being that morning was locked away from civilization, screaming for help, fighting to escape, knowing that every breath I took may very well be my last. Well at least that is...

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Student Article
The Best Birthday Ever in the Dominican Republic!

What a trip! What a Journey! The Dominican Republic is certainly an interesting place to go on vacation. One of my best friends since third grade invited me on yet another one of her amazing summer...

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New York City Looks Good To The Blind

Sightseeing in New York City is surprisingly compatible with traveling with the vision impaired. Sidewalks often have raised bumps, tactile cues that you are reaching the end at the curb. And though midtown...

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Student Article
my trip to poland

When my girlfriend and I went to visit her family in Poland, we traveled to many different places but the one in particular I enjoyed the most was Sopot. Instead of driving there by car, we got bus...

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Student Article
My Newfound Sentiment

Israel is a blossoming new country in the Middle East, but ancient tensions plague the area. These tensions often spill over into modern news.  The fighting paired with footage of old buildings made...

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Student Article
Omaha Beach Experience

Our bus pulled into a quiet parking lot. It was overcast and the beach ahead of us wasn't like the ones back in California. It was quiet, with very few people scattered along the shore. They...

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Student Article
A Lesson in Leadership

Gunfire rains down on you from every direction. A sheer cliff looms in front of you, mocking your seemingly futile efforts to climb it. Pre-dawn ocean waves crash against your boots. Your comrades...

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