My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
El tiempo que fui a Espana (The time I went to Spain)

Last summer, my school put together a group that was going to go to Spain. We went through a larger, organized tour group called EF Tours. There were at least five other schools from around the US...

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Student Article
The Highlights of Philmont

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Student Article
Galveston Island

The sun's rays reflected off the water's surface giving the ocean a bright shimmer of gold. I peered out the car window at the blur of sea as we drove passed it. Gliding boats of all shapes...

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Student Article
Enjoy the Journey

Millions upon millions of sightseers and thrill seekers flock to Arizona to view the Grand Canyon every year; but for my family and me, the journey is what counted. A few years ago, we planned a...

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Student Article
Snorkels With Sharks

It was midnight, but it was far from dark. I rested my head against the glass and tried to sleep. No. I was too excited. I stared out of the tiny window and the quiet wonder of city lights took hold...

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Student Article
Vacation of Security

Ten hours, four sets of security, three new stamps in my passport, two take-offs, two movies, and two landings, the bi-annual family vacation to Lyd had begun. For most people the most eye opening...

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Student Article

A chill wind, a towering band of mountains, a light snowfall, the distinct scent of lush green pines, maybe a curious bear in the tree line if you’re lucky. These are among the first things that...

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Student Article
Exploring a New Paradise

From a small aircraft, the beauty of the Abacos was nothing less than breathtaking.  Nearly 12,000 feet above the earth’s surface, one could see white sand basking in the ever-present...

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Student Article
Howling Monkeys, Sleepy Slothes, Jumping Toads, Oh My!

Howling monkeys, lush green leaves hanging down from towering trees, waterfalls splashing cold crisp water, brilliant blood red and orange sunsets like out of the movies, bananas hanging...

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