My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
YOLO…in London

YOLO…it’s an acronym meaning “you only live once.”  When my school announced a trip to Europe which would include 4 days in London, England, my friends and I knew this...

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Student Article
Taking Over Europe, One Country At A Time (Austria, Italy, France)

                This summer I was given the chance to tour Vienna, Austria, Salzburg, Austria, Innsbruck, Austria,...

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Student Article
Mahalo Hawaii

This year I was fortunate to make the Mississippi All-State Lions Band, a band comprised of members all over the state to practice for a week and then travel and perform. This year the destination...

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Student Article
Finding Clarity in Suwannee

I went camping a few months ago for the first time. I have a cousin Ashley whose world is a collection of good vibes and jingly skirts and glitter. Lots of glitter. She and her friends...

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Student Article


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Student Article
Dinner on the Mekong

The first time I tied a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue was on the banks of the Mekong River, surrounded by beggars. The skies threatened rain as I sat with my parents and sister at a bare metal...

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Student Article
Journalism, Sunsets, and Discoveries

During a hike at Horsetooth Reservoir , Fort Collins, Colorado, I couldn’t help but stare in awe when I saw the sun set. The vast, rolling mountains were an endless ocean of waves frozen in time...

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Student Article
!Vamos¡ An experience in Spanish

My Spanish teacher recommended that I would be an excellent student to go with a small group to Costa Rica. Our trip was organized by I

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Student Article
Sentiments in the Mediterranean Sand

Squinting against the midday sun, I breathed in the sweltering, Italian air; grateful for each meager gust of tobacco flavored wind. The soles of my flip-flops stuck to the freshly melted tar on...

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