My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
A Diamond Studded Sky Over Yellow Flooded Streets

Imagine this: a Latino family performing pop music with an accordion, a disheveled elderly couple snoozing, a pair of Scottish lads clasping their bagpipes in their traditional kilts, and a tattooed...

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Student Article
Rain in the Pacific

The summer of 2011, my family decided to take a trip to Kauai, Hawaii for one week. My parents, my college-aged brother Ian, my twin sister Abbey, my grandfather Al and I crowded into a suite at...

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Student Article
Bungee Jumping in Nepal

As I stood atop the bridge, my breathe started to quicken and my heart began to pound, my thoughts jumbled together into a blurb, “What have I signed up for? There’s so much more...

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Student Article
Finding God in Atlanta

Last summer, I was blessed with the opportunity to go on a mission trip with my church family to Atlanta, Georgia through

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Student Article
Hello, Nature. Nice to Meet You!

I have forever and always thought of myself as a city girl. The plains of rural Kansas were never inviting, and seemed unimaginative and commonplace to this bustling girl. However, I recently came...

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Student Article
My Ionian Village Experience

After arriving in Greece after a total of 19 hours of travel, I had never felt such a sense of euphoria. The picturesque white cottages with royal blue rooftops, the deep emerald green grass in contrast...

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Student Article
China Here I Come!!

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Student Article
An Emotional and Spiritual Experience

As a kid traveling is far away from your interest, priorities are friends and figuring out who you are. Yet, often times traveling is a way to experience wonderful things and have create a life changing...

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Student Article
The Little Smiles that Taught Me

March 24, 2012, was a day of apprehension and excitement.  My stomach churned like the ocean that we were about to fly over.  I had learned as much as I could about Bogota, Colombia, but...

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