Honorable Mention Archives - Page 17 of 17 - My Family Travels
Student Article
The River Captain

Like so many things, security is an invisible asset. When we have it, it empowers us to go boldly, to take chances that actually endanger it. But when it is threatened, or worse, gone, you realize how...

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Student Article
New Orleans

The streets are wet. The rain is still puddled in some of the ancient cobblestones, tho the air is clear and dark. Neon signs flash off of dripping asphalt, the whole street is...

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Student Article
My Eye-Opening Cab Ride in Israel

On Saturday mornings in Jerusalem, there are really only two sounds to hear -- silence and prayer. As I walked up the paved road of the Goldstein Youth Village to catch my 8am...

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Student Article
Why College? Cause I Would Die as a Roofer

It's the middle of a hot summer's day. Ninety-six on the ground, one hundred-fifteen on the roof. The humidity is hovering just over ninety-eight percent, as I'm told it always does in southern Louisiana...

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Student Article
The Eternal City

The calendar date is July 17th, 2005, but for all I see around me it may be over nineteen hundred years earlier. That's because Pompeii is a city lost to time, oblivious to or defiant of the continuous...

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Student Article
The Alluring Mystique of Ohio Woodcarving Museums

I let my forehead hit the window of our family's giant blue Suburban. I could not believe that we had sunk so low as to visit a wood-carving museum. I had gotten used to Ohio, but a woodcarving museum...

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Student Article

I climbed onto the moon; I had been sick early in the day, but I still trudged up the sand dunes, climbing steadily in search of the perfect view of the sunset. I found it sitting...

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Student Article
Glaring Incorrectness


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Student Article
New York City

Many families take vacations across the county and around the world, to places new, exotic or simply relaxing. People travel for many reasons, but I believe mine is the best.  My mother and I travel to...

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