Student Articles Archive - Page 146 of 291 - My Family Travels
Student Article
Le Reve Francais!

The opportunity to attend school and live in the French Alps for a year was too good to pass up. By the time packing was finished and farewells...

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Student Article
Footsteps in Argentina

I had a blast in Argentina meeting new people, experiencing new things, and learning about a different culture.  First, my classmates and I went to Conte Hotel and checked in. Afterwards, my...

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Student Article
March Of The Living

We visited Auschwitz, and saw rooms filled with shoes taken from the prisoners. I saw pictures of babies who were tortured and glass exhibits filled with human hair. We visited Treblinka, a camp completely...

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Student Article
Gateway to the West: Legacy Revealed

Kansas City, Missouri: A city just about 4 hours drive from the incredible Gateway Arch in St Louis. A true city of The West.  I had never been to the state of Missouri prior to this...

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Student Article
Building character through judo

I stare with awe as I enter The Grand Amway Plaza Hotel with my dad and sister. As my eyes dart in all directions while I take in the hotel’s overwhelming size and grandeur, I laugh at how...

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Student Article
Building Schools, Passing on Education, One Brick at a Time in Malawi Africa 2012

Did you know that 72 million children of primary school age in the developing world are not in school?! It shocked me because in America, every child has access to education.  Due to my outstanding...

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Student Article
The Five-Minus-Three People You Meet in Europe

Anxiety filled our spirits as we waited for the mail to arrive to our house. In two days, my mother and I would be flying across the Atlantic and our Eurail pass had not yet arrived. This pass would...

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Student Article
Charleston, SC: A Journey Back In Time

When my mom announced travel plans to Charleston, mounds of negative things ran through my head.  I contemplated “Why are we going to Charleston? South Carolina has the exact same...

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Student Article
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

“How do you see Cameroon?”, the natives would ask me. An entire countryside of peaks, hills, and divots, lathered in a patten of brilliant green and deep brown rendered words insufficient...

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