Student Articles Archive - Page 205 of 291 - My Family Travels
Student Article
Parisian Paradise: A 17 Year Old’s Take on The City of Light

Cars honking their horns. Cigarette smoke, overwhelming my nostrils and stinging my eyes. The constant flowing of people from all different nations on my left and  right. Music drifting...

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Student Article
A Yellow Brick Road

            Gold was everywhere: the buildings, the parks, the people. Everything possessed an aura that was unquestionably golden. That was...

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Student Article
Best Vaction on The” Big Island” of Hawai’i

Aloha! Sunday July 1, 2012:  It’s 3am and I am still awake too excited to go to sleep because in a couple of hours I would be going to Hawaii with my family. After, falling...

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Student Article
Following the Crowd: Zip LIne Style

       This was my first, most impactful adventure of my entire Girl Scout Destination to San Jose, Costa Rica, and Bocas del Toro, Panama. We woke up early that morning, to birds...

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Student Article
Cuckoo Costa Rica Count Down

In January 2012, eight members of Rock Canyon Key Club hustled to tape the last box shut, zip their suitcases, buy more bug spray, and board the plane to Costa Rica. Eight months before the anticipated...

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Student Article
Master Air Smith

My educational journey began on July 6th of this year. My parents...

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Student Article
Beauty in the Beholders Eye

 Nature is everywhere, seen by everybody, but not everyone realizes the true beauty. I live on a farm in Montana. My house was built in a valley, surrounded by rolling hills, secluded from the...

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Student Article
Has Life Hit You Yet?

Has it hit you yet? No, I just can’t make myself believe it. I really went there? Well believe it or not, I was. Those sought after sightseeing destinations England, France, and Rome. ...

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Student Article
My Australian Adventure

Last year, my family and I traveled to Australia for a two week family vacation. Because my mother had been an exchange student there during high school, we decided to travel with her...

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