My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Barcelona, Spain Attractions

Taking the family to Barcelona, Spain, one of Europe's greatest cities, presents more chances for kid-friendly culture, recreation, shopping, and fine dining than most families...

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Student Article
Journey Back to Darwin

“Stepping out of an airplane into the balmy, pleasant air of Baltra Island is definitely not the way Charles Darwin made it to the Galápagos Islands,” I thought to myself, as I walked toward the...

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Student Article
The Silk of Uncertainty—My Tentative Journey Underground the Guatemalan Jungle

My eyes are bleary, eyelashes split by Guatemalan sun. My hair is damp and tangled in hot, wet air. I tug a tee-shirt over the damp swimsuit that I must have fallen asleep in. I hope there aren’t...

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Student Article
I Found My Spot

“Every American citizen should stand in this spot before they die,” I proclaim to my fellow students and our chaperones. Despite my tendency to speak my mind before I think,...

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Student Article
Alive and Coarse and Strong and Cunning (Or, How I Learned to Be Independent by Getting Lost in Downtown Chicago)

(Title taken from Chicago by Carl Sandberg) The thing about going to Chicago is that you have to realize the city will inevitably steal your heart. With skyscrapers stretching to the crowds,...

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Student Article
What Squat Toilets Taught Me About Life

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Student Article
The Story Told by Silver Lake’s Stars

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Student Article
The Eerie Struggle

We were waiting in line to go to the top of the Empire State Building. Our time was ticking and we only had 3 hours left in the city at most. To start off our impromptu 5 hour excursion, I witnessed...

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Student Article
Meeting the Rest of My Family

The roads are full of cars that don’t seem to be following any rules. People stand by the car window holding maimed body parts up to the glass begging for money. Men, women, children and animals run...

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