jacqueline frank author at My Family Travels
Baghdad Interrupted

Hello…as some of you know, the bombings of October 25th in Baghdad were a close call for us. The 2nd, larger bomb went off across the street from the hotel where...

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Changing Party Scene: Baghdad Year 1

So what does one actually DO in Baghdad? It’s somewhat different for those who live in the International Zone (IZ), and those who live outside. For those in IZ, it is possible to take...

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Transitions in Iraq

Since the last time I checked in I’m happy to report that my security situation has settled down. IREX and I are in the final stages of selecting the new security company, I’m hopeful that...

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Girlfriends on the Nile: Egypt for R&R

After a few months of work in Baghdad, I was ready for a break and decided to visit Egypt with my friend Tina, who is the Baghdad Bureau Chief for the LA Times, and New York friend...

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Americans have rules, Iraqis have friends

My report, 8 weeks after the elections, still here working with journalists to promote freedom of the press in this rapidly changing country.

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Baghdad 2009 Election: Authorization Letters

I fear that will be written on my gravestone: She forgot to get a Letter of Authorization. I've been stationed in Baghdad, Iraq for several months, working with an NGO that promotes a free press...

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Two able-bodied: Letter from Baghdad 4

After a few months in Baghdad, I have just returned from a trip north to Kurdistan, to meet Benton, a fellow journalism training colleague running a different non-governmental program up there (and...

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Frog In Boiling Water: Baghdad Week 4

You know that old saw about putting a frog in water, and slowly bringing it to boil, and the frog never notices until it’s too late. Welcome to the new normal. I barely notice the sirens, choppers,...

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High Profile: Baghdad Week 2

High Profile: Baghdad Week 2 First: the backstory. I am currently in Baghdad, working as Country Director for IREX, running a very similar program here to the one I ran for them in Serbia. Only WAY...

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