jessica quick author at My Family Travels
Keep a Straight Face in Ko Pee Pee

Spent three days in Koh Lanta and was looking forward to bluer, less rocky waters in the coveted island paradise of Koh Phi Phi. Unfortunately, the transit between islands took a lot longer than expected....

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Moonwalking on the Shore

We got into the island from Karabi, which was a little longer of a trek out than expected. We were picked up by a breezy truck from the bungalows that picked up travelers together headed out to the...

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New Years or Paper and Heads on Fire

And what a New Year’s it was. We walked down to the beach, which I thought was called Ao Nang. Turns out it goes by much longer name, which I can only remember as starting with an N. Luckily,...

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Who Downloads “The Beach” in Thailand?

I don’t recommend taking a 14-hour bus ride to anywhere in your life. Sure, it sounds awful enough, but I cannot explain the uniquely agonizing delirium that came on after hour 12 or so. We took...

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This Backpack is A Lot Heavier Than I Thought

I'm currently sweating in a dingy hotel called Smile Inn. As welcoming as it sounds, the name is entirely ironic. The rooms are cramped, a little dirty, and the reception desk is exceptionally unfriendly....

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