kathy green author at My Family Travels
London: Wouldn’t It Be Luverly?

Discover where children can be seen and heard, and the best walks, in London, from a mom who spent three years with her own three kids exploring this fabulous British city.Samuel Johnson once...

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Doing Disney Justice

We were a family with a mission. Two adults, three children, three days. Would the two older children (8 and 11) be bored with their third trip to Orlando? Wisely, the family put their Florida itinerary...

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Bruges, Belgium Top 10 Attractions

FTF gives you the top ten reasons why Bruges, Belgium is a great international travel destination for the family looking for a European short break. A "short break" is a European concept. When...

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My Favorite Resort: The Ritz-Carlton Naples, Florida

"Mommy, I see a little bit of the sun, it's time to go!" I turned toward the voice. There stood my 4-year-old in bathing trunks, holding his complimentary Ritz-Carlton pail and shovel, eagerly...

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