Interns Wanted at Manhattan New Media Company - My Family Travels

Family Travel Forum, publisher of travelBIGO and sponsor of its scholarship contests, seeks Interns to work in our NYC office. 

New Media Journalism Interns will work, under editor’s supervision, to maintain and update our website’s feature and news stories, research destinations on line,  post comments and blogs, report on upcoming events, assist editors with fact-checking and assist with office clerical chores.  Candidates should have good writing and reporting skills and some office experience.  Computer skills and an interest in travel (which we know you have), are real pluses.

New Media Marketing Interns will work, under staff supervision, to interact with PR firms, market travel promotions and contests, and learn about offline and web marketing.

These two positions are non-paid internships with a $25/Day stipend.  We are looking for Interns who can work between 12 and 15 hours per week. 

Please visit Contact Us to submit your application.

Dear Reader: This page may contain affiliate links which may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Our independent journalism is not influenced by any advertiser or commercial initiative unless it is clearly marked as sponsored content. As travel products change, please be sure to reconfirm all details and stay up to date with current events to ensure a safe and successful trip.