Al Paraguay - My Family Travels

After expriencing the Chaco, I feel that I have left a titch of myself there. The scenery is variations of greenery, palm trees, and this odd tree, with a middle swollen from absrbed rain, appears incongruously among the graceful rest.

Parrots and other similarly vocal air fowls make music among the tree tops, and one can hardly be angry at them for providing alarm-clock service! After three months of darkness and rain in Puerto Montt, the warm sun shining brightly pumps energy and hope into one’s spirit at a surprising rate. I would love to return to the Chaco.

Our hosts there were Gabor and Katherina. Gabor is Hungarian/Croatian, and Katherina is German. They have brought many seeds from the Mediterranean area, which they planted in their gardens, mures in the Chaco, such as cooking for the prince of Saudi Arabia, who had come to hunt jaguars. We spent thanking every meal a feast for all the senses. Gabor regaled us with stories of his childhood in Europe, and adventree days with them, hugely enjoying the differences in culture and geography.

Here in Paragauy there are huge German/Menonite colonies where you come across many people who only speak German, and this creates such an interesting conglomeration, when mixed with all the localities.

Right now we are in Gabor’s daughter’s house, back in Asuncion. Her name in Christine, her husband is Tomas, and they have two children, ages 7 and 5. Vic and Chris are having a ball with them, and Mom and I are enjoying Christine. She is exceedingly young at heart. We are leaving Sunday, and Dad is out right now, getting car parts, which he will take back to the car, which is in a little mechanic shop in the Argentine countryside.

I now shall go and sit in the sun, allowing Paraguay to work its charm on this girl.

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