elizabeth hostetter author at My Family Travels
“The Island of Mystery” …. my perfect runaway.

In Chiloe! The big island off the southern tip of Chile, Chiloe was the last portion of Chile to be conquered by the Spaniards and to this day remains strong in its individual island/indigenous cultures. Desiring...

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An Adventure in the Chilean Andes

  In the Andes mountains of Chile, nature cooperates for the improvement of man's morale better than it does in the southern islands. There is more direct sunlight, and people...

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Bus On!

We planned the ginormous trip about one week before departure. It was pretty cut and dry: pack for a week; drive three days; spend five days in the capital of Paraguay, Asuncion, for the World Mennonite...

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Al Paraguay

After expriencing the Chaco, I feel that I have left a titch of myself there. The scenery is variations of greenery, palm trees, and this odd tree, with a middle swollen...

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