How much one has to spend during Umrah? - My Family Travels

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  • #319569 Reply
    Umrah Packages 2024

    The total cost of an Umrah trip can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as:

    1. Travel Expenses:
    – Flight tickets from your home country to Saudi Arabia (Jeddah or Madinah)
    – Transportation within Saudi Arabia (e.g., between Makkah and Madinah)

    2. Accommodation:
    – Hotels or furnished apartments near the Holy Mosques in Makkah and Madinah
    – The closer to the Haram, the more expensive the accommodation

    3. Food:
    – You can find a wide range of dining options, from street food to high-end restaurants
    – Cooking your own meals in a furnished apartment can help save costs

    4. Ihram and Other Expenses:
    – Cost of Ihram (the prescribed dress for Umrah)
    – Shopping and souvenirs (optional)

    5. Package Tour vs. DIY:
    – Opting for a package tour from a travel agency can be more convenient but more expensive
    – Planning and booking everything yourself (DIY) can potentially save money

    As a rough estimate, a budget Umrah package for a single person can start from around $7,00 – $1,500 for a 10-12 day trip, including flights, basic accommodation, and transportation. However, for a more comfortable experience, you may need to allocate $2,000 – $3,000 or more per person.

    It’s advisable to plan and budget well in advance, considering your preferences for accommodation, meals, and other expenses. Additionally, checking for seasonal prices and promotions from airlines and travel agencies can help you find better deals.

    Remember, the most important aspect of Umrah is the spiritual journey, and extravagance or luxury is not necessary. A simple, humble, and focused approach can make your Umrah experience truly rewarding.

  • #253445 Reply
    Umrah 2023

    The cost of Umrah depends upon some factors that make it expensive and affordable; flight, hotel, transport, and Umrah guide. Usually budget of Umrah starts from £750 per person but it may go to £999 per person. The range of this £ will provide the economy and premium packages services.

  • #220620 Reply

    The cost of an Umrah trip can vary depending on the type of package and services chosen. Generally, a budget Umrah package can cost around $2,000 – $2,500 per person, while a more luxurious package can be as much as $7,000 or even more.

  • #167407 Reply
    amina sofia

    Umrah is the second pilgrimage of Islam. It is a soul-soothing experience for Muslims to feast their eyes with the charismatic view of Kaaba. Millions of devotees gather together at the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah to enjoy the spiritual spree at least once in their lifetime.

    As far as the cost of this pilgrimage is concerned, everyone plans Umrah according to his budget. In this way, they are able to enjoy their religious experience without worrying about monetary issues. There are several certified travel agencies that are working to provide their Umrah customers with different affordable deals and packages. This year, I have also opted for the Budget Umrah package 10 Nights 2022, to have a soothing and secure journey according to my pocket.

    However, if anyone is intending to go for Umrah first time, it is crucial to know that during this travel, he must be free of debt with enough savings at home. The pilgrimage is much affordable for the Saudi locals. But for the non-Saudi Muslims, Umrah is comparatively expensive. So the non-Saudi outsiders must keep in mind that for their Umrah pilgrimage, they can expect the total cost to range from approximately US$ 3, 000 to US$ 10,000 per person Rea more click here

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