Looking for someone to drive my Hyundai Elantra from Boston to Wasilla, AK - My Family Travels

* Home Page Forums USA & Canada Family Travel Forum Looking for someone to drive my Hyundai Elantra from Boston to Wasilla, AK

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  • #93189 Reply

    Hi ,
    this is how it works….. the Way that is Best for you<. Nothing is free on rides like these.
    You pay for flight back to drivers preference. You pay for gas and tolls.
    You also will pay a fee for driving there. flat rate, hrly or by mileage.
    everyone is different………….It’s Your choice.
    Some are professionals and some want a free ride and may not care for your car!
    Robert Winn

  • #92968 Reply
    Robert Winn

    Hi, I would be interested in driving your car. I may be in Boston around that Time ( originally from, But live in Fl.
    We could discuss it .. two options!!
    Charge by mile and all included or mileage, you pay gas, tolls, and flight home to FL
    Hope to hear back!!

    • #93186 Reply

      Hi Leeta, I responded yesterday, Robert Winn. I spoke with a friend also Bostonian ( we are both from Milton,MA) about this trip. We would like the opportunity to do it.
      My friend is also someone who drives cars for others here and there.
      We would give you a fair price.
      If this is still open reach out and reply.

  • #92443 Reply
    Jordan Rotella

    Would love the opportunity and can fly to Boston whenever nesessary then would need one way Ticket from Wasilla to Ft Lauderdale. $750 for gas 1500 for time and added travel expenses. Feel free to contact me if you find those terms agreeable. Best Regards- Jordan

  • #88143 Reply

    Hi Leeta,

    Please list your car in www. efravel. com. We have several travelers and drivers who could help you out. Its a website to match vehicle owners like you with travelers looking for one way rental. So you transport your car for free or frugally! Good luck


  • #86013 Reply
    Lorita Yangson

    Wow, this is all over our Canada! I looked here , more than 4 thousand kilometers, 4 500 like yes. Approximately 76 hours to spend. But I was in that city, there are prospects

  • #85286 Reply
    Mark Cerasuolo

    I live in the Boston area and can take your car for you.
    I drive for a living professionally. This falls at a time when I am able to take long distance trips.
    You can see my personal information on my facebook page.

  • #81630 Reply
    John H McKinney

    Hi Leeta, Have you found anyone yet? If not, I would be glad to talk. [email protected]

  • #81223 Reply
    Alden Hawkes

    What an exciting move!! My wife and I would love to help you out! We’re available anytime after June 20 through July 2019. We love travel – we love Alaska, and we’d love to help you make your move. I charge $10/driving hour (based on Google maps mileage), plus gas, hotel, food and flights home and any unexpected auto expenses. Let me know if I can send you further information —

    Alden Hawkes
    [email protected]

  • #80751 Reply


    My sister are from CT and last year we delivered a car to Colorado together. We would absolutely love to do it again. We work really well as a team and we are both very safe drivers! If you are interested, give us a shout. 🙂

  • #80769 Reply

    Still relevant?

  • #80752 Reply

    Also (this is the sister from earlier) our shared email is jossgrigio(at)Gmail(dot)com

  • #80743 Reply
    Will Gahagan

    I can drive your vehicle. I fly cheaply, and could fly to boston from my home, and back from wasilla. what a trip!!
    let me know if I can help.

    Will Gahagan

  • #80598 Reply
    Terry Holt

    I can drive it for you while you fly!

  • #80460 Reply

    Hi there,
    I am moving to Wasilla for work and, since I JUST finished paying my car off, I don’t want to leave it behind. I am way ahead of schedule as the move is not until the last week of June or the first week of July 2019.

    So how does this work? ?

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