My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
A Misrepresented City and a Thousand Discoveries

Cambodia, Armenia, Bosnia, Sudan, Germany, and Rwanda. Each of these nations has one common thread,...

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Student Article
El Casado

“¿Puedo tener el casado?” The waitress from Tierra Mia smiled at me. “I speak English, honey. You’d like la comida típica?” I nodded my head up and down, careful not to further...

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Student Article
Journey of the Heart: My Time in Togo

Every summer, I go on a mission trip through Seacoast Church. It has been my personal tradition since my freshman year of high school that has taken me to Costa Rica, Thailand, and many destinations...

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Student Article
A Window Into Her Past

     Ever since I made my first venture outside of my home country, the United States, when I was 11, I have had a passionate desire to travel abroad. After Nicaragua, I was continually...

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Student Article
Siblings of the Sea: Ethereal Encounter on the Island of Lanai

I heard them first. The soloist belting out high pitched whistles, each one a burst...

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Student Article
A Drive Down Memory Lane

I looked to my mother and saw a tear roll down her worn face as she said “We’re here love, this is where my father fished and...

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Student Article
An Underwater World of Wonder: A Glimpse Into My Future

Softly…softly… Whisper in my ears Swell towards the land Spray on me your tears Let me hold you in my hand Softly…softly… Quickly, quickly! Rush towards the shore High tide is coming Breaking...

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Student Article
Paris Lies Hidden Behind Florist Petals and Train Station Clocks

I arrived in Paris by train. Greeted by graffiti bricks and a sun strong enough to dry out my damp soul. I had spent the past week in cloudy London surrounded by grand cathedrals and gardens fit for...

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Student Article
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

I briefly allow my mind to wander....

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