My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
A Rose in the Desert – Serenity in Damascus

Damascus, Syria, a city at the heart of a bloody war. A city that itself is a juxtaposition where life thrives only kilometers away from heavy conflict and war. After years of waiting, a turbulent flight...

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Student Article
Leave No Trace

        The Adirondack Mountains, located in Upstate New York, hold forty-six High Peaks above 3,790 feet.  One of my favorite vacation activities is hiking some...

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Student Article
Dragon Army’s Adventure Legacy : What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Our Memories for Ever

Nostalgia. Nostalgia. Nostalgia. I can still recall the crisp, rushing wind as it grazed my face from every angle. As we twisted and turned so rapidly, the darkness of the night was engulfed by the...

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Student Article
Death on the Bridge of Life

Calm waters shift slowly on one side. Driven, velocious cars journey on the other. A living form of juxtaposition. I feel the shadows of those who marched on the Edmund Pettus Bridge beside me. Heads up,...

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Student Article
Hope in the Midst of Despair

The building looked innocent enough from the street. With its greying stone, plain rectangular structure, and uniform windows, it looked like simply another old office building that you could walk past,...

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Student Article
Italy: The Path of the Gods

The narrow, serpentine road hugs the hillside, rocks and vegetation to the left, a sheer drop to the Mediterranean to the right. We’re taking the Sita...

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Student Article

Bzzz! We were constantly swatting away persistent mosquitoes which craved our blood, dehydrated from the sweat pouring off our bodies, and sore from the backpacks that felt like a pack of elephants....

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Student Article
The Way That Water Washes Over

If I had to pick one thing, for-sure, that I love most about Thailand, it would be the rain. Where I'm from (San Francisco, I tell everyone I meet, because it's close-by anyways and far more well-known),...

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Student Article
Of Heat and Humanity

The heat slipped into Los Angeles, catching us unaware. Was that the inkling of a coming heat wave, or just a warm breeze? Were those clouds in the distance? Surely, the morning fog meant a mild day? By...

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