My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
How Paris Showed Me the Stars

All the sounds fade away as the doors close and suddenly I am apprehensive, unsure and excited all at once. The elevator is packed with people who have come from all over the world for this moment....

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Student Article
Rediscovering Nepal

In the summer of 2014, my mother, father, brother, sister, and I traveled to my parents’ homeland: Kathmandu, Nepal. We hadn’t visited Nepal since 2007 to catch up with relatives, but this time...

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Student Article
Waters of Freedom

Dictators have had a horrible history throughout the world, and although they are not prevalent in the United States, I found my life being controlled, not by a person, but by fear. My fear of doing...

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Student Article
The Little Things Can Change a Lifetime

Winding cobblestone roads, with walls seemingly growing ever closer, until even the smallest Fiat can barely squeeze through. Frigid stream water, rushing down from the heights of the Alps. Old buildings,...

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Student Article
A Trip To Ecuador: Finding Beauty in More Than One Form

Sitting there, looking out the window, I was in awe at the beauty that the world had to offer. I was used to the dull brown desert of Las Vegas, where you’d be lucky to find a single patch of green...

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Student Article
My Adventure in India

Travelling is a mentality.  Am I willing to start the adventure? Vulnerable enough to step out the door to learn more about others, and, by application, myself?  Not a tourist, but someone...

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Student Article
Dubai: A “Tale of Two Cities”

When you think of Dubai what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If the first thing you thought of was money, mansions, or even people with monkeys for pets then you were a lot like me in...

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Student Article
Solving Indonesia

When I visited Indonesia in July 2015, I stayed with my cousins in Jakarta. They were both boys. My older brother easily joined their FIFA battles and Grand Theft Auto missions on the PlayStation...

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Student Article
Why I Will Always Belong to India

The rancid odor of pollution and cow dung penetrated my lungs as we emerged from the doors of the Delhi international airport, and the usual a crowd of luggage carriers and taxi cab drivers began their...

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