My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
The Beauty in Simplicity

The hot sticky humid air hung over the boisterous city of Kollam, Kerala. I gripped the polyester seating of the dilapidated rickshaw as it jackknifed to the right to swerve around another wayward goat....

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Student Article
Illusions of the Past, Beauty of the Present

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Student Article
Smaller Moments

I have never walked through Roman Catacombs, gazed from above Niagara Falls, or even seen the Grand Canyon.  I cannot tell stories of how I trekked the Amazon, share how I navigated Tokyo, or preach...

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Student Article
The Rising Sun of India

The splash of vibrant fuchsia mixed in with a tinge of twinkling turquoise and a glimmer of iridescent crimson backdropped with lofty mountains was enough to complete my mental photograph of the incredible...

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Student Article
Our Foundation, Where the Mountains Meet the Water

Standing on a rock, overlooking the fjord with small ships crawling along, he turned to me. Kåre said, “This is where your great, great, grandfather stood and dreamed of America.” Never before...

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Student Article
From Here to Jerusalem

My grandmother scowled at me as we boarded the airplane. Much to my vexation, my subtle acting had not payed off; she had seen right through my futile smiles and unavailing grins. “Family fun,”...

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Student Article
It Didn’t Bother Grandpa

When we arrived at the secluded, run-down looking beach house, it was just about the opposite of paradise. The cracked and peeling chalk white paint, the jungle of palm trees and overgrown greenery...

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Student Article
Love at First Animal Towel

Carnival cruises tend to be known for their exotic destinations, staff aiming to please, and a trip of a lifetime. Yet those weren’t what made my 4 day trip to Cozumel so memorable. That was all because...

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Student Article
A Change in Me

My favorite Broadway musical is Disney's "Beauty and the Beast." After returning home from being held as the Beast's captive, Belle sings "For now I love the world I see -- no change of heart, a change...

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