My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Mountainous Realizations


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Student Article
A Thought-Provoking Adventure to Kenya

In July of 2012, my family boarded a plane bound for Kenya, full of excitement and a little apprehension.  Our safari had been booked through Tim Melesi Safaris,...

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Student Article
The Week I Danced in New York

The Saturday before Thanksgiving in 2013, I boarded the plane and was off to New York. I was ecstatic, and even though it was early in the morning I was full of energy. I was practically jumping off...

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Student Article
Get Some Red on Your Shoes in St. George

I fell in love one weekend, not with a boy, but with a place that changed my life.  I returned from my weekend getaway with red dirt sticking to my white socks and to my hiking shoes.  And it stuck to...

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Student Article
I Shall Return

     Going back to the home of my ancestors was now or never. The Philippines, my parents said, was Third World: No paved roads, No streetlights, No running water, Sweat, and Mosquitos....

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Student Article
The Mission of a Life

The power to change the world. At the young age of 17, I never thought I would have that chance. Now, after a mission trip to Black Mesa, Arizona, I believe anything is possible.Twenty-five people...

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Student Article
500 Miles

I would walk five hundred miles “Welcome to London.” Over a ten-mile trek through the city, I tripped on cobbled sidewalks and absorbed the sights around me—double-decker buses, towering...

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Student Article
From Concrete to Campgrounds

New York City is arguably the most incredible city in the world, and I have the good fortune to have lived there for all 15 years of my life. It is buzzing with activity and full of culture. It is so astonishing...

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Student Article
Cars, Stars, and Road Trips

The plan for “Roadtrip 2k14” was brilliant, in my opinion. My little green Honda Accord got excellent gas mileage and had proved itself to be a reliable car over the past year it had been in my...

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