My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Single Parent Travel

The “bad” news is that the number of single parents seeking quality vacations with their children is growing.The good news is that the number of single parents seeking quality...

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What Kids Like on Vacation

It’s no surprise that 71% of kids said they need vacations…And half of them said their needs influence their family’s choice of destinations and accommodations.What is surprising,...

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Historic Deerfield: Score One For The Native Americans

We think it's great that many of the colonial settlers in historic Deerfield, MA, who were taken captive by "attacking" Native American tribes opted not to return to the ways of the "white man."Perhaps...

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Finding a Good Doc on the Road!

Finding a Doc On The RoadSo, say you've booked the family trip of a lifetime. You've thought of everything, but do you have the name, address, and phone number of a qualified doctor who speaks...

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Women Traveling Alone: Security Issues

Women Road WarriorsWe don’t like the negative image of “woman as victim,” but the reality...

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Family Safaris: Pricey, But a Trip of a Lifetime

Most of us are pretty anxious about our investments and jobs and homes in this economy.Of course Travel is taking a hit, down, but bouncing back.And it never goes away.For...

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For Kids, Travel is the Internet. Period!

Excerpts from  an article in Travel Weekly (a publication of the travel industry. August 20, by Juliet Dennis)Kids tell it how it is: It's web all the wayTeletext...

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Reunions Can Be Tricky: How To Plan One

Travel for reunions is big business and getting bigger as families, communities, organizations and affinity groups  strive to stay in touch in an increasingly complex post 9/11 world.Travel...

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Should Parents Drug Their Kids On Flights?

Would you sedate your child on a flight? Are parents who do so wrong?A Wall Street Journal  article reported that many parents "drug" or sedate their...

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