My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Lessons From Tiananmen Square

Although nothing special at home, walking in a large group through China's streets, we Americans learned what it was like to be celebrities: people stopped in the middle of their daily activities...

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Student Article
Uncharted. Unknown.

It was in third grade when my classmates and I learned in-depth about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. From learning about the foods that sustained them to the Native Americans that cared for them,...

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Student Article
My Spectacularly Unspectacular Summer

Last summer I went on vacation with my family. Our trip was not some huge ordeal; instead, it was a trip to Utah in order to drop my brother, Taylor, off at BYU. On the way, and once we arrived,...

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Student Article
Smell the Roses

Airplane food. Though often the butt of many an unfortunate joke, this scoffed-at cuisine stands alone in my mind, not because of its flavor or its lack thereof, but because of its sentimental value. That...

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Student Article
Le Reve Francais!

The opportunity to attend school and live in the French Alps for a year was too good to pass up. By the time packing was finished and farewells...

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Student Article
Footsteps in Argentina

I had a blast in Argentina meeting new people, experiencing new things, and learning about a different culture.  First, my classmates and I went to Conte Hotel and checked in. Afterwards, my...

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Student Article
March Of The Living

We visited Auschwitz, and saw rooms filled with shoes taken from the prisoners. I saw pictures of babies who were tortured and glass exhibits filled with human hair. We visited Treblinka, a camp completely...

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Student Article
Gateway to the West: Legacy Revealed

Kansas City, Missouri: A city just about 4 hours drive from the incredible Gateway Arch in St Louis. A true city of The West.  I had never been to the state of Missouri prior to this...

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Student Article
Building character through judo

I stare with awe as I enter The Grand Amway Plaza Hotel with my dad and sister. As my eyes dart in all directions while I take in the hotel’s overwhelming size and grandeur, I laugh at how...

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