My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Magical Journey in Maine

Until now, my travels were ones that most people only dreamed about. Summers on the beautiful Croatian coast, spring break in South Africa, winter in the Austrian Alps. I had grown up overseas, and...

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Student Article
Calabria, Italia

In the spring of junior year, I had the opportunity to participate in a cultural exchange with a high school from Calabria, Italy. This two week stay in Italy confirmed that I want to continue my...

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Student Article
Our Journey Across America

My family and I are close-knit have always enjoyed travelling together; experiencing new places is something we look forward to doing every summer. However, from Jacksonville, Oregon, the farthest...

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Student Article
A Reconstruction of the Memory of Paradise

Memory is truly an unfortunate thing. It chronicles our entire life, forms our reality of the past, and defines who we are and where we’ve been, and yet it’s so elusive. It’s transience,...

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Student Article
Half Dome: Not for the Faint of Heart

  Ever since I was a little girl, I have always been up for an adventure whether it was running a 5K in third grade, skiing at six years old, or...

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Student Article
The Trial of Myself in Salem Massachusetts

I entered the new residence hall, almost feeling like I was going into a prison. I passed a security check, noted the strict rules that I must abide by, and followed the staff member onto the normally...

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Student Article
Journey to the West

The summer of 2007 my neighbors, the Fongers, invited me to explore the western side of the United States. We traveled from our house, in Clarksville Michigan, all the way to Montana. This...

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Student Article
Pura Vida Costa Rica

“Pura vida!” (Pure life) “YOLO!” (You Only Live Once) These were our mottos throughout our adventures in Costa Rica the summer of my junior year.  They describe and represent...

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Student Article
12 hours to go

Trapped....I've been trapped in this car, traveling 80 miles an hour for 12 hours.  I wish i could say that I slept through them all but the truth is, my anxiety forced me awake all 720...

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