My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Holding on to our good old times

It was the summer of 2011 when some of my family members arrived in New York City.  They live in Colombia and our only chance to spend time together is for a couple of weeks every other summer....

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Student Article
Compassion in a Foreign Land

Night had fallen when 20 of us found ourselves in the middle of excited chaos

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Student Article
Awakening the Soul

I arrived in South America with the understanding that as an exchange student I would be filled to the brim with memorable experiences. Little did I know at the time that one of my adventures would...

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Student Article
Vacation Takes You.

“You don’t take a vacation, vacation takes you”. Such accurate words to describe my experience during my travels away from home July second through the seventeenth. I...

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Student Article
A Trip Back in Time

My family doesn’t travel very often and by extension, I don’t travel often either, but with the trips I have taken, I’ve learned one thing. You don’t have to travel to the...

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Student Article
The Journey to My First New York Skyline

            With city lights below me and the pitter patter of rain on my window, I was ready to see it. I wanted a beaming welcome....

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Student Article
A Night for Remembrance

 Washington D.C. is arguably the most historically significant city in America. Sure, cities like Boston and New York City impacted our history, but no other place has been the capital for over...

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Student Article
The Real World

Thick shrubbery punctuated by cowboys leading their herds to a watering hole comes to mind when one thinks of Wyoming. Indeed, upon my return, everyone smiled when they learned where we had been—and...

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Student Article
The Week My Eyes Were Opened

July 15, 2012. 3:00 a.m., my alarm sounded. My tired body was quickly energized when I remembered that the day set before me was the beginning of a journey like nothing I had embarked upon before.

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