My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
New England Odyssey XIX

          With the turn of a key, our sails unfurled.  Our vessel - the Kingsmen charter bus – would soon brave the vast expanse of the Eastern...

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Student Article
5am Morning Call to My “Dream Vacation”

Finally, the day I had worked extremely hard for to board my flight all the way to Hawaii, was here. I had dreamed of waking up on the beach at my own leisure and being pleasantly entertained by fire dancers...

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Student Article
Philmont Adventure

I am an Eagle Scout who recently went to Philmont, New Mexico.  Philmont is a Boy Scout high adventure camp that challenges the scout’s ability to survive in the wilderness.  Our...

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Student Article
A Glance Through El Salvador-Tinted Glasses

This summer I entered a world different than me, where the distractions that I am so conveniently accustomed to did not exist.  I have gained a new perspective of the world and a passion for missions...

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Student Article
An EPIC Adventure (Traveling through “Disneyland for Grownups”)

It was not supposed to be anything other than getting my oldest brother, Andrew, settled into his new job at Epic Systems Corporation in Verona, Wisconsin.  At least, that is what I first thought. ...

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Student Article
The Great and Mighty Sequoia National Park

Sequoia. A breath taking sight to behold no matter what season. A haven for people seeking an escape from their daily stressful routines. The park is blessed with wise old trees towering at unbelievable...

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Student Article
Disney World or Bust….Or That Was What I Thought!

The large pretzel jar was labeled “Disney World or Bust” and was almost filled to the top with coins.  My family had been saving for our family trip for two years and we knew this...

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Student Article
Meeting Myself

If you haven’t seen Barcelona at twilight, you will never really understand the true meaning of the word “beautiful.” I toured Barcelona on a cold, yet refreshing December day....

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Student Article
Family Vacation to Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia

 Spring break, 2012, and my parents, my three younger siblings, and I left North Carolina for a two day stay in a lakeside home at Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia.             The...

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