My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
My 2012 Summer Trip to Bangkok, Thailand!!

Ever since I was small, I had always travelled back to Thailand every summer. My parents wanted to keep the culture in me as a Thai person and they wanted me to always keep in...

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Student Article
Breathing this Blissful Air

After the continuous 15-hour drive of driving across the destined states with my family we were finally eligible of having our toes sink into the balmy conditioned ocean water from Orlando, Florida....

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Student Article
Families Come Together at Disneyland

Who doesn't enjoy a family trip to Disneyland? It really is a magical place of its own that can make you forget everything! It being my first time, it lifted my pessimism and reminded me of that old...

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Student Article
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” -Matthew 25:40

It was an early July morning as I groggily stumbled out of bed to head to the Charleston airport. My Mom and I waited for the rest of our church’s teen ministry to arrive so we could depart for Miami,...

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Student Article
The Trip That Inspired My Future

As I stared at the teary eyed girls in front of me and fought back mine as well, I realized why I was so upset. I felt as though I'd known them for years even though it was just a few days. The...

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Student Article
Disney World is for Teenagers Too

Theme park success is a combination of careful planning, good map reading skills, quality of theme park, and flexibility. Oh, and patience! And as cliché as it is, I think Disney World in...

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Student Article
No Problem: The Motto of Jamaica

Jamaica is often associated with Bob Marley, "herbal medication", Usain Bolt, and perhaps the phrase "Yeah mon," however the most apt description is simply paradise. Jamaica's tropical climate, white...

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Student Article
The World Outside

The whole world looks to California as the land of sunshine, surfing and movie stars. I will admit that, as a first time visitor to the "Golden State" and only 15, these were my expectations,...

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Student Article
From Tourist to Traveler

Spring break is a time to get away from the drama of high school. A time to escape the catty girls or rowdy boys and relax for seven peaceful school-free days.  When the opportunity arose to...

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