My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
A Trip of Discovering Unacknowledged Beauty

            When one thinks of awe-inspiring, inconceivably beautiful vacation destinations, places such as New Zealand, Bora Bora, or France...

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Grand-Friendly Franklyn D. Resort, Jamaica

This Jamaican resort known as FDR has great kids clubs, a unique nanny system, special packages and activities for every member of your family. Thirty years ago, Jamaica invented the "all-inclusive...

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Student Article
Taking Flight

Six thirty a.m. Sitting in my seat, looking out the window, scared to death. The sun was just beginning to shine on the city of Wichita, Kansas. We weren’t moving yet and I was dreading the...

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Student Article
A Lesson That Will Last A Lifetime

     This past summer I took a trip that I didn’t realize would change my life forever. I took my first steps out of my country and onto the soil of the Dominican Republic....

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Student Article
108 and Climbing

The summer after my freshman year was when I lost everything I took for granted and gained a necessary new perspective. The most impacting part of the trip actually began before even arriving...

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Student Article
Colorado Catastrophe

My dreams had been especially vivid that night; serving as precursors to the possibilities of the day. Full of excitement and adventure I had only had the pleasure of reading about, they seemed to...

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Student Article
A Virginia Beach Reunion

This year, for our annual family reunion, we traveled to Virginia Beach to meet our family that lives there.  The plan was for all of my dad's side of the family to meet. However, due to...

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Student Article
Paris, the Queen, and my Sweet 16

There truly was no better decision of a weeklong European vacation rather than a short-lived Sweet Sixteen party for my birthday. Prior to the bon voyage I was soon to embark on with my mother and...

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Student Article
Healing Hands, Healing Heart

        On the morning of June 16, 2012, my team and I touched ground in Haiti, prepared for the devastation but also thankful for the chance to help. As we traveled...

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