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Student Article
The Magic of a Smile

It was almost 10 o'clock at night, and, yet, the temperature was still near ninety degrees. A crowd had formed in the central hub on Main Street, U.S.A., and I could feel the excitement as everyone...

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Student Article
Bon Voyage! How to Travel to Paris With Kids

Paris is a great travel destination, especially with kids! There's so much to do. Although Paris is considered expensive, you can do it on a budget. To me Paris = Yummy food,...

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Student Article
Appalachia: Just Because It’s Different

Appalachia? Appalachia Kentucky? You’ve got to be kidding me. I can’t imagine anybody in their right mind spending their entire Thanksgiving break there. I mean…it’s just mountains and shacks and...

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Student Article
Journey To The Dominican Republic

As the runway fell away beneath the plane my stomach dropped with it. I shut my eyes and fought the fear creeping into my mind as the flight attendant alerted us that we'd land in Santo Domingo in two...

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Student Article
Seeing Paris Without the Lines

The quintessential Parisian experience that tops everyone's list of things to do is to reach the top of the Eiffel Tower and see the entire city at your feet.  What many don't...

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My Trip to Greece

Greece is one of the few places on earth that can boast a history of over 5,000 years. No other place has contributed so much...

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Working Out On The Road: Strollercize Your Waist Away

Leave it to a physical trainer and new mom to develop a sure-fire method to take off those unwanted post-natal inches by exercising together with baby and stroller and new found friends.After my...

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Coping With High Altitudes

Doc Holiday talks about altitude sickness and its causes, and how to prevent it on your next vacation to a mountain resort. While most visitors to mountain resorts do not suffer any medical problems...

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Is Your Child Ready For Snowsports?

Great tips from professional instructors dedicated to creating, offering and maintaining the "best resort for family fun, anywhere." Winter offers many opportunities for families...

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