The Beauty of the Falls
When you imagine beauty do you see a magnificent waterfall streaming water into a river below? I do, and that’s why my recent trip to Niagara Falls was...
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Personal Evolution through Familial Tradition
Since I can remember, my family has taken a yearly travel to the beach. Through the changes in my life (divorce, lost friends, and the like) the beach seemed to always be a safe-haven...
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New York City also known as the “Big Apple” With so Many Wonderful Places to See
The big city of New York had always been on my list of places to go. As seen in the movies, the tall buildings and the thousands of people seem to make it all the more inviting!...
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Slovakia: Little Country, Big Heart
Slovakia. No it’s not near Kazakhstan. Nor is it in the Middle East. If your geography is failing you, does Czechoslovakia ring a bell? Actually, Czechoslovakia dissolved almost...
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Just Take the Tube!
I had never been in England before. Rarely had I ever travelled without my parents in the past either. Yet both these situations somehow came together in my trip to London this summer with my brother. ...
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Spain at Seventeen: España 2012
How can a girl describe the wonder of traveling the world? What is it that makes an amazing trip? The food? The people? The landscape? In my recent travel to the magnificent and majestic country...
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The Road to Change
Spring break of 2012, my life was changed. Instead of going on a vacation to a swanky resort I spent my time in the Dominican Republic with Global Leadership Adventures doing volunteer work. Our group...
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“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” -Matthew 25:40
It was an early July morning as I groggily stumbled out of bed to head to the Charleston airport. My Mom and I waited for the rest of our church’s teen ministry to arrive so we could depart for Miami,...
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