Student Articles Archive - Page 147 of 291 - My Family Travels
Student Article
A Well-Hidden Secret

Walking through the concrete roads, ignoring the shouts of the vendors surrounding me, and ducking around the leaking air conditioning from the apartment four floors up, I stepped out of one world and...

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Student Article
DeVante Williams’ Trip to Washington, D.C.

Our trip to Washington, D.C. was one of the most memorable and informative family vacations we have ever taken because of all the fun and eye opening experiences.  We visited the Lincoln Memorial,...

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Student Article
First Trip in the United States of America

My family moved to the United States in 2007, indeed that was one of my exciting moments in my life. Before we moved to the United States, my family lived in a little valley on the countryside in...

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Student Article
Exploring Europe During the EuroCup!

When I stepped through the automatic doors of the airport in Lisbon, (or Lisboa, pronounced Leesh-boa, to the locals!) I knew that a trip of a lifetime was about to begin. I had arrived in Portugal...

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Student Article
The Knights In London

  You mean me? In London for 12 days? And it’ll be only Raenell and I?

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Student Article
Costa Rican Summer

Thirty passports, thirty exhilarated students, one AeroMexico plane (of course including the complimentary six hour layover in Mexico City), a yearlong awaited trip, and one month of total Costa...

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Student Article
Lens Free (My Journey Through South Africa Without a Tourist’s Best Friend)

I lost my camera the moment we stepped foot in South Africa. This wasn’t an ideal start to my trip, especially since this was the Culver Academies 2012 Spring Break in Mission where our group...

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Student Article
The Survivor Tree

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Student Article
An Unfortunate Event Turned

Rain, rain, go away. Come again some other day… I. Was. Devastated. Upon entering the KOA campgrounds, my family had high hopes of enjoying a lovely, once in every two...

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