Student Articles Archive - Page 214 of 291 - My Family Travels
Student Article
Nothing Fancy, Just Amazing

Everyone knows that a vacation at the beach is bound to bring sunburns, memories, and sand in places where it shouldn’t be.  My family and I recently visited California where...

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Student Article
Finally Seeing the Sunset

I can finally say I have seen one of the most beautiful sunsets in my life. My family and I decided to spend the first week of our summer camping at First Landing State Park in Virginia Beach. It...

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Student Article
Tawhid in Bangladesh

            Approximately five years ago, I went to Bangladesh, a small country bordering the eastern side of India. It was an interesting experience to see what the...

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Student Article
An Exchange for Change

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. I am proud to say that I am an optimist. I have taken the opportunity to travel to Peru...

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Student Article
Home is Where the Heart is

                Being in a military family all my life, I never appreciated the opportunities I had over others to travel...

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Student Article
Beautifully Impoverished

Finally landing on the tarmac of the Belizean Airport was such a relief. I am a terrible...

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Student Article
S.I.M.S.A (Safe In My Sisters Arms)

It’s August 5 of 2007, the first day I went to camp. It’s was an all girl’s camp called S.I.M.S.A so I knew I wasn’t going to like it. All girls in one room together were...

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Student Article
Traveling Through Time: A Pioneer Reenactment

 A few summers ago I took an unusual trip to the middle of Floridian no-where with two siblings and several hundred other youth. The trip was more through time, rather than to a place; for we...

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Student Article
Broaden Your Horizon

Being Mexican-American comes with a great advantage. Here is the thing why it is so great; I get to travel to Mexico annually. I am one who is fascinated by culture, religion, language, you name...

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