Student Articles Archive - Page 83 of 291 - My Family Travels
Student Article
My NYC Adventure With My Concert Choir

It’s the lights, the shops, the street performers, the attractions and the peoplethat make New York City a perfect place to explore. I traveled to NYC with the Moose Lake Concert...

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Student Article
Tropical Paradise, Elephant Rides and… Cultural Discovery?

 After a mentally and physically exhausting two week mission trip, my team and I were beyond ready to enjoy some well-earned fun in the city of Chaig Mai, Thailand. That morning we...

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Student Article
A Heroic Tragedy

The day was March 31, 2014 and all I heard was crying, screaming, and harsh stomping as the noise quickly filled my ears. I rushed towards the horrific news that my twenty eight year old brother Alfonso...

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Student Article
Jammin To A Different Rhythm

When you hear the name, "Jamaica," do you see white sandy beaches and beautiful blue...

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Student Article
Trip of a Lifetime

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Student Article
The Africa They DON’T Tell You About

Many times when people write about visiting Africa, it tends to be about a missionary trip. The term ‘Africa’ is usually synonymous with poverty, dirt, corruption and illness.  Africa is...

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Student Article
Unexpected Beauty

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Student Article
As Far As the Eye Can See

My eyes flutter open as the smell of papaya and salt water fill my nostrils. As my vision returns after the long night's rest, I can see the dark wooden ceiling and greenish...

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Student Article
When the Party’s Over, World Cup 2014

“Bro, can I get a selfie?” Never have I heard this as many times as Brazil’s World Cup this year.  This simple phrase highlights something that makes my trip to the 2014 World Cup unique...

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