1st Trip To Europe - My Family Travels
Europe e 395_0
Europe e 395_0

On a recent trip to Europe, I saw and experienced many wonderful aspects of European culture. My mother and I went on a Globus bus tour with 20 other Americans. We traveled from Italy up through Switzerland, across the border to France, and finally sailed the English Channel to London over a two week span. I learned so much about European culture, and surprisingly a lot about my own. You learn a lot about people when you spend two weeks with them, especially when you are all on an adventure in a foreign land! Wherever your next adventure is, these are the seven different types of people you are guaranteed to meet:



1. The Honeymooners. This is the couple that is constantly laughing, smiling, and holding hands. Their favorite spot on the trip was a romantic eatery in Florence, Italy. 

2. The "too cool for culture" Traveler. Usually in their 20s this girl will most likely skip walking around the Sistine Chapel and search for the nearest Gucci instead. They will could be seen texting on a gondola ride, the London Eye, and the Eiffel Tower. Their least favorite spot was Mt. Pilatus because there was no service 6,928 feet high. 

3. The Family. The Family is comprised of four or more people, usually including a mother, father, and twin boys. They are most likely to ask where the nearest kid friendly restaurant is. Their favorite spot was the gondola ride in Venice,  where the gondoliers sing and play the accordion.

4. The Know It All. This person is usually in their 30s, dressed in sports wear 24/7, and cannot wait to tell you everything about anything. They are most likely to answer trivia questions posed by tour guides when walking around Trevi Fountain, Mt. Pilatus, and the Louvre Museum.

5. The Eager Beaver. The Eager Beaver is always on time, always the first one on the bus in the morning, and always taking pictures. Most likely to sign up for as many day trips as possible, including the Seine River cruise, Windsor Castle, and Venice. 

6. The elderly couple. This couple has been everywhere. Twice. They thought they signed up for a relaxing bus tour, and are appalled when wake up time is 7 am. Their favorite part of the trip was the walk along Lake Lugano and listen to the street performers.

7. The "first time abroad" traveler. This young adult is enthralled by all the beautiful sights she sees, the savory foods she eats, and the various accents she hears. She eats up all the tidbits she learns, and lives every day to the fullest. Her least favorite stop was the end, when she had to say good-bye to Europe, and all her friends on the bus tour. 


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