My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Cruising through the Mediterranean

The imagination of a child can go to great extremes. I always imagined myself exploring castles and going out on adventures while riding on a unicorn, going through streets...

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Student Article
A Pebble on a Mountain Road

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Student Article
Cliff Jumping and Conversations

Have you ever been on vacation abroad and become frustrated because you can’t find a Starbucks or a fast food joint? So have I. But through my travels with my family I have realized that sticking...

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Student Article
An Unexpected Treasure

QUARTER-FINALIST 2015 FTF TEEN TRAVEL WRITING SCHOLARSHIPSpacious greenery surrounds me on all sides, dabbled with dots of civilization. We are distributing food atop a short but broad mountain...

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Student Article
It’s a Long Way From the Cook Islands

Sprint Canoeing might not sound like the most engaging Olympic sport to spectate, but every event has some element that captivates the audience. For example, water polo is possibly the only sport played...

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Student Article
Sometimes All It Takes Is Applesauce

I love Disney, and I was rather...

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Student Article
Open Your Eyes and Let Yourself Fly

We arrived at the La Casa Del Arbol in Baños, Ecuador. I was overwhelmed with beauty as I gazed over the mountain...

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Student Article
A Metropolis at Your Fingertips

I suppose it begins 8 hours into our first day there. Stumbling out onto the streets of New York City with only five hours of sleep, we certainly looked the part of clueless tourists—my camera was...

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Student Article

There is a strange, painful beauty in watching the forests burn. This must be why so many others have pulled over to the side of the highway, entire families leaning against their dusty cars, staring...

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