My Family Travels | Latest Articles
Student Article
Independence Day

July 2, 2015So,...

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Student Article
Climbing to Montana Glaciers

Something looks different about glacial runoff water. While the average lake has a banal navy blue or even brown color, one composed of glacial melt has a rich, aquamarine, slightly opaque look to it....

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Student Article
My Cultural Enlightenment

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Student Article
New York. New Me.

I couldn’t stop smiling, my enormous grin was permanently chiseled onto my face; my heart wouldn’t cease its drumming in my chest, it was as if King Kong himself was pounding his huge fist throughout...

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Student Article
My Eyes Are Open

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Student Article
Post-Vacation Appreciation Disease

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Student Article
Peace at Last

When my parents first proposed a twenty two day road trip from our native Arizona to Florida I was skeptical. We...

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Student Article
Survival, Much Like Smiling, Is Universal

My time in Cambodia had brought me many challenges. I had a running fever with no access to trustworthy medical care, I was fumbling with cultural differences and customs, and we worked long days teaching...

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Student Article
Finding Peace in Hiroshima

We stared with hands clasped over our open mouths and eyes glued to the figures before us.  They were bathed in the red of their own blood, burned skin, and the flames that surrounded them.  Their clothes...

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